We need a Taiwan Java Developer

Yes my new company needs a Java developer to lead our Java team in Taiwan. If you have 5+ years experience in lots of enterprise web stuff in Java then join us now and soon we will be paying you lots of money and giving you flexible workings hours. What’s not to like. If you just returned from Silicon Valley to Taiwan we definitely want to talk. E-mail us at jobs@jelical.com with your resume. Hope that doesn’t attract too much spam. I’m a C# person with not enough web development experience which doesn’t fit in with the work coming in.

We have an ad up at 104:


Here’s the English bits:

We want a person with:
* 5+ years Java programming in web-based business applications
* experience with short development/test/deployment cycles (1-4 weeks)
* experience in justifying and guiding others in code-level technical architecture
* a working understanding of J2EE patterns
* experience in estimating development from requirements
* regular experience in leading 5+ developers
* recent production experience in one of these (or similar):
– Spring Framework
– EJB 3
– JBoss Seam
– Apache Open For Business
– JZeno
* recent production experience with any of the major MVC implementations

Other highly desirable experience:
* test-driven development (junit, httpunit, selenium ..)
* working in an extreme programming environment
* working in some other agile development environment
* automated build and deployment (ant/maven ..)
* continuous integration (cruise control ..)
* ajax implementation using a popular toolkit

We Offer:
* flexible working hours
* good salary growth
* an environment where people are treated as a peers rather than low level workers
* an environment where everyone’s opinion counts
* work on a rapidly changing product line
* an opportunity to become a leading figure in the Taiwan software industry

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